About Me

Heyyo! My name is Zekoz and I'm a Vtuber and Illustrator.If you wish to commission me, please check my prices.


Half: €25

Bust-Up / Close-Up
Simple Poses
Fully Rendered

Full: €50

Up to Full Body
Dynamic Poses
Fully Rendered

Additional Costs:
Simple Background: €5
Complex Background: €10
Additional Character: €15 (per character)

Commission Status: CLOSED
Slots Taken: 2/2

Terms of Service

By ordering a commission from me - the Artist, you - the Client agree to the following terms:

1. The Artist has the right to cancel the commission WITHOUT REFUNDS after 1 month of no contact from the Client.2. The Client must pay the Artist first before any work is done. This can be arranged by either paying in full OR paying half initially then paying the other half after sketches.3. The Client will be notified about every significant part of the process (Thumbnails, Sketch, Line Art, Colour, and Rendering).4. Any changes requested by the Client will be free of charge until the completion of the sketch. Any significant additional changes requested AFTER the Sketch Phase will cost extra. The amount will depend on the change significance (min. €5).5. The Artist reserves the right to post the WIP and/or the Completed Commission on Social Media.